28. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry

Düsseldorf, September 19 - 21, 2022

28. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry

Düsseldorf, September 19 - 21, 2022


oral contributions: June 30th, 2022
posters: July 31th, 2022


The abstract file (only PDF will be accepted) has to be included in the submission of the contribution; otherwise a submission will not be possible. Files may contain embedded graphics, but consider longer transmission times and timeout problems. Invalid files cause complete cancellation of your submission. Concerning the layout of your abstract please keep to the following guidelines:

Volume one page DIN A 4 (29,7 cm height, 21 cm width)
Font Arial, 12 pt
Margins left/right: 2,3 cm; above/below: 3 cm
1st paragraph empty
2nd paragraph Title of the paper (bold face)
3rd paragraph Authors of the contribution in the format
initials, main author, city/country code,
Co-author(s) in the same format,
Address of the main author
4th paragraph Contents of the abstract
Foot Notes Do not use Winword foot-notes, please write foot-notes
in normal text at the end of your abstract
Title of the document You can use the following signs: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, point (.), underline (_), minus (-). Blanks are not allowed. The length of the document title should not longer than 20 signs, the max. of the file size is 25MB.

How to submit an abstract

  1. Prepare your abstract and save it as a pdf file.
  2. Fill in the data on the page “personal data”.
  3. Click “Save and next”.
  4. Fill in the data of the presenting author.
  5. Add the co-authors’ data and press the disk at the end of the every row of the co-author (please leave these fields empty in case there is no co-author)
  6. Enter the title of your abstract.
  7. Upload your abstract (only pdf files).
  8. Choose the topic you want to submit your abstract.
  9. Click “Save and end”.
If you want to submit more than one abstract please click “Save and add abstract” instead “Save and end”.

sample abstract