All registered participants will receive the access data for the online conference by e-mail on October 27, 2020.
The division Computers in Chemistry (CIC) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) cordially invites you to participate in and contribute to the 16th German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC) and the SAMPL satellite workshop:
GCC 2020: Nov 2-3, 2020 & SAMPL: Nov 4, 2020
As announced earlier, the current situation forced us to resort to a purely virtual format for both GCC and the SAMPL workshop (originally termed "EuroSAMPL" as it was planned to be hosted as in-person meeting in Germany), which nevertheless provides an attractive platform for presenting and discussing exciting new research.
The GCC reflects and highlights the important role of cheminformatics, which connects the modern information and data-driven world with computational modelling of molecular systems. It spans a wide range of subjects related to the use of computers in chemistry, pharmacy, materials science and biology; from informatics and data science to atomistic modelling, and from fundamental academic research to industrial applications.
The scientific programme will include software workshops, contributed lectures (25+5 min), research telegrams (12+3 min), and - in parallel sessions - very brief "flash talks" (3+2 min to be held twice, open to everyone) instead of a poster session. Young academics (Ph.D. students only) are encouraged to select the format of research telegrams as an opportunity to present the highlights of their research to a wider audience. Ph.D. student submissions as full talks will compete against all contributions in this category and cannot be changed to the research telegram format if declined.
The conference contains slots for software workshops. Our sponsors will introduce the latest software developments to the participants. If you are interested in providing workshops or sponsoring please contact Dr. Stefan Güssregen at
The SAMPL satellite workshop will encompass invited lectures and contributions from participants during the recent SAMPL blinded challenge on predicting protein-ligand and guest-host features as well as, depending on upcoming challenge deadlines, small molecule properties. This will give participants the opportunity to present and learn about state-of-the-art computational methodology benchmarked against high-quality experimental data. SAMPL lectures will take place from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. (CET) to ease participation of North and South American residents.
GCC Session Categories for Contributed Talks:
Further Information:
Conference fees:
GCC/SAMPL bundle or GCC separately*:
€ 20,00 |
SAMPL workshop separately
free of charge |
* The registration fees are not liable to value added tax (tax exemption additional § 4 Nr. 22a UStG).
Important dates:
Abstract submission (lectures, telegrams, flash talks): extended until Sep 13, 2020
The conference language is English.
Links to Zoom sessions will be sent to registered participants shortly before the conference starts.
Information about the Scientific Programme
Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Kast
Fakultät für Chemie und Chemische Biologie
Technische Universität Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund
Prof. Dr. David L. Mobley
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
3134B Natural Sciences I
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697