Electrochemistry is a successful series of conferences, held every other year. Starting in Gießen (2008), followed by Bochum (2010), Munich (2012), Mainz (2014), Goslar (2016) and Ulm (2018), scientists working in the various areas of electrochemistry joined for discussing cutting-edge trends and applications.
The conference is jointly organized by GDCh Division Elektrochemie, GDCh Arbeitskreis Elektrochemische Analysenmethoden, DBG, DECHEMA, AGEF, GfKORR and DGO.
After a corona gap, Electrochemistry will be continued in Berlin 2022 in person. Outstanding electrochemists from Germany and from abroad will highlight research results and current trends. Parallel sessions will cover nearly all topics of electrochemistry from fundamental science to technical applications.
Electrochemistry – At the Interface between Chemistry and Physics. In this spirit, the organizing committee and societies invite electrochemists, scientists from other disciplines, who are interested in electrochemistry, and students to meet in Berlin. Colleagues
from industry and academia, from Germany and abroad are cordially invited to participate in the conference and to enrich its program by their scientific contribution.
Berlin is not only the capital of Germany and one of the most popular cities for tourists worldwide, but its unique atmosphere gives great opportunity for innovations and thinking outside the box. This will provide a fruitful forum for scientific exchange in electrochemistry in September 2022. So, save the date!
Information about the Scientific Programme
Prof. Dr. Peter Strasser (Chair), Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya, Prof. Dr. Holger Dau
Local organizers can be reached via ec.berlin.2022@gmail.com