2nd Berlin Symposium on Structured Lipid Phases

30 September 2024 - 02 October 2024, Berlin, Germany

2nd Berlin Symposium on Structured Lipid Phases


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join the second Berlin Symposium on Structured Lipid Phases.

Looking back at the meeting two years ago it feels that the overall goals were achieved. In essence a large group of established and early-career experts engaged in vivid discussions. Dealing with the different aspects of structured lipid phases the symposium tries to address the need for more room for discussions often sacrificed at the larger congresses with parallel sessions due to tight scheduling.

This is an attempt to stimulate the dialogue also between academia and industry to relate global challenges and future ambitions to goals that are relevant to the community. This could imply sharing long-term ambitions and nagging questions (industry) as much as imperfect but inspiring work (academia).

The symposium is meant to be a stage for exchange, challenges and a stimulus for cooperation while being an inspiration to the junior researchers.

The following subject areas should not be read to tightly in but give guidance:

  • fat crystallization
  • analytical techniques and structure analysis
  • modelling and data processing
  • oleogelation
  • confectionary
  • emulsions, delivery and non-food applications

We aim for respective combinations of scientific keynote and a mirroring industrial ‘long-term wants’. This is supposed to stimulate vivid discussions when complemented by submitted contributions, oral presentations and posters.

The conference venue will again be the main Campus of the TU Berlin located in central Berlin, just 1 km to the Kurfürstendamm and a 3 km stroll through the park to the Brandenburg gate.

The single word the Berlin marketing agency uses to describe Berlin is ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’, which translates to comprehensive piece of art. This vibrant and diverse city remains somehow an accumulation of small towns that pretends to be a metropole. Even more than 30 years after the fall of the iron curtain, one can still sense division between East and West, but yet not necessarily recognize what is what.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Berlin for the second Symposium on Structured Lipid Phases from September 30th to October 2nd, 2024.

With Best Regards

Eckhard Flöter, TU Berlin, Germany

Henriette Brykcynski, TU Berlin, Germany

Julia Seilert, U Berlin, Germany

Sabine Danthine, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Université de Liège, Belgium

Isabel Rothkopf, IVV Freising, Germany

Tom Rimaux, Vandemoortele Lipids R&D Center, Izegem, Belgium