Lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in human disease
A Fireside Chat with Fulvio Ursini
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to a fireside chat with Fulvio Ursini, a pioneer in lipid peroxidation and the role of antioxidants in human pathology. Known for his discovery of GPX4, he will retrace the discovery of lipid peroxidation in humans and the use of antioxidants to maintain optimal health. Should we take antioxidants? Do (poly)phenols scavenge free radicals? Why scientifically unsound claims still abound?
Learn about the history of antioxidants, the spreading of fake news, and the biochemistry underlying lipoperoxidation of human cell membranes and the still elusive actions of dietary antioxidants.
Prof. Fulvio Ursini, will be happy to answer your questions.
The event is open to all who are interested in turning science into business with an impact on society.
Time frame: 1 hour
Moderator: Francesco Visioli, University of Padova
Registration: no fees, please register for the virtual event (top right corner button)