16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress

Fats, Oils and Lipids: Science, Technology and Nutrition in a Changing World

16-19 September 2018, Belfast, UK

16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo

The Lipids Group of the SCI will host the 2018 Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The SCI Lipids Group was formed in 1951 as the Oils & Fats Group, is a founding member of Euro Fed Lipid and previously hosted an EFL Congress in 2004 in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was very successful.

The theme of the meeting in Belfast will be the application of science, technology and nutrition to address the issues arising in our constantly changing world. As well as the usual Euro Fed Lipid Division streams, we will include a stream focussed on dairy fats, since this represents a large industry in Ireland.

The Congress will be held in the attractive Belfast Waterfront, a purpose-built entertainment and conference centre. Of course, while the venue and lecture contents are important, there will be time for networking and catching up with friends, old and new.

With plenty of interesting places in the city, Euro Fed Lipid and the SCI Lipids Group are pleased to welcome you to the 2018 Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo in Belfast.

Holm Smith

Hans-Christian Holm Kevin W. Smith Parkash S. Kochhar