Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry

March 14 -16, 2022 online

Abstract Submission

To following topic oral presentations can be submitted until December 5, 2021 extended until December 19 (closed).
Last-Minute-Posters: February 15, 2022.

- Non-Main Stream Chemotypes
- Chemical Epigenetics
- First Disclosures & Case Studies
- Next Generation Drugs
- Medicinal Chemistry Highlights
- Macrocycles
- AI – Retrosynthesis and Automation
- Medicinal Chemistry and Target Highlights
- Young Investigators

You will find the abstract guidelines and a sample abstract if you click on the button "abstract submission".
No revisions or corrections will be made by the scientific committee.
After a successful transmission, you will receive a reference code for each submitted abstract and a confirmation after the decision of the scientific committee.
The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers, and to assign them to oral or poster contribution.