
Abstract Submission Poster

Please contribute to the scientific success of this conference by sharing your expertise and results with others. Poster presentations are more than welcome. The scientific committee will decide on the submitted papers. The conference language is English.
The posters will be presented near to the lecture hall.

As a poster author you will receive a free ticket to the analytica conference.

We invite you to submit poster contributions up to following topics:

  • Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Automation and Process Analysis
  • Chemo- and Biosensors
  • Clinical Methods and Applications
  • Electroanalytical Methods, Radiochemical Analysis
  • Imaging Methods
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Omics Techniques
  • Separations and Hyphenated Techniques
  • Other Topics

To fill in fields with a red asterisk is mandatory. The abstract file (only pdf will be accepted) has to be included in the submission of the abstract; otherwise a submission will not be possible. Files may contain embedded graphics, but remember longer transmission times and timeout problems (files should not exceed 10 MB).

Concerning the layout of your abstract please keep to the abstract guidelines. No revision or corrections will be made by the editorial team.

After a successful transmission you will receive a reference code for each submitted abstract. The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers.

You will find the abstract guidelines and a sample abstract if you click on the button "Abstract Submission".

Abstract submissions can be done from now.